What percentage of people have it?

The percentage of people that suffer from Schizophrenia differs for every country. Surprisingly, a person's race can even affect the likelihood of a person developing Schizophrenia...



In Singapore, approximately 1 person in every 100 to 200 suffers from Schizophrenia. That's approximately 1-2% of the population. That may seem like a ridiculously small amount, but considering Singapore's population was approximately 4.1 million (as at June 2001), it would mean that about 82000 people suffer from it in Singapore alone!



It has been found in a study made in South London that the rate of Schizophrenia in the minority ethnic groups is rising continuously. This could be due to the fact that these people suffer from stresses like discrimination, racism and so on. This causes them to be hurt emotionally and therefore leads towards the development of psychiatric disorders like Schizophrenia.